Completed September 2019
The Donelson Hills Neighborhood Association is a voluntary neighborhood association founded in 2012.Our purpose is to create a better sense of community for all residents through the following.
1. Implement beautification efforts at entrance ways and throughout the neighborhood.
2. Coordinated communication efforts of issues that affect the property values of the homeowners, such as traffic, crime, and other community issues.
3. Promote a unified voice to address elected officials and government agencies that make decisions that affect the neighborhood.
4. Organize neighborhood events and activities for the enjoyment of all residents.
5. Research and document the history of the land that has become the Donelson Hills neighborhood.
All residents and property owners of Donelson Hills are encouraged to join us. You do not have to be a homeowner to be a member.
$40 per household
$30 per household Seniors (65+ years) and military.
Additional donations are welcome.
Since 2012, DHNA membership dues and donations have afforded us the ability to replace all street and stop signs in our neighborhood as well as build the stone wall and install the main entrance sign at Cottage Lane and June Drive. Dues are also used to maintain entrances and facilitate neighborhood events.
April 2013 Donelson Hills and Dearborn Dr
Spring 2019 : Street sign replacement completed